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Summer in Leadership Track

I have now been in leadership track for 6 weeks, which means we are pretty close to the summer ending! The track has been hard at times but so so good for my own personal growth. We have a busy schedule full of worship, intercession, class, work duties, prayer sets, small groups, family nights, and meal times. In the midst of that we are reading books on relationships, passion for Jesus, and transforming nations.

Coming into Leadership Track I was very curious what a "2 month staff training program" would look like, and this is it! Its very full on with a busy schedule and I have been pushed out of my comfort zone but the Lord has taught me so much about himself and his heart. I'm looking forward to staffing a DTS in the fall and having my own small group of girls to pour into.

On Friday mornings we do "Worship in the Word" for our early morning prayer set and this has been one of my favorite parts of track. A passage, usually in Psalms, is chosen and we sing the words in the Bible and let the truths of God's Word pour over us. In these hours I find I have amazing new revelations of the Lord's heart for his children and what He is calling us into. Half the time I don't even sing, I just sit and enjoy His presence.

On Monday nights, as a campus, we do "Ministry Night". This is where we all come together in prayer and worship and spend 2 hours together. Sometimes we will pray for healing, other times we will pray for each other and what we are going through personally. It's usually two hours of a big crowd of people just wanting to be with Jesus.

In the busyness of Leadership Track there has been some amazing blessings. Although I am busy I have some time off on weekends to connect with family back home and over seas, which has been so huge for me. Also, in July a friend from my Belize DTS was in Kona for a few days and I was able to hangout with her. It was amazing to see someone from my own DTS and to catch up.

Thank you Thank you Thank you to everyone that has been praying for my housing. I currently live on campus but in September I will be moving off campus to a cute little apartment across the street!! It is close enough to walk and cheaper than living on campus, not to mention I would be living with 2 people instead of 9. Huge Bonus! I'm very excited.

I have a few more weeks of Leadership Track, then it will be crunch time to get ready for the fall school. I'm excited for the students to come, I feel like it has been a long time coming but I know the Lord has seriously used this season.

Thank you for your continual prayers, financial support and love. I appreciate all of you guys, so so much.

Also- The vog from the volcano has finally lifted and we are seeing clear skies for the first time in months! This isn't just a blessing for our eyes but also a huge on for our respiratory system, thank you Jesus!

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