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First Couple Weeks in Kona

As of today, I have been here, in Kona, for two full weeks! It has been a tough but good transition to this base. The first few days were definitely very tough because this base is so so big and so unfamiliar to me. I was trying to figure out my work schedule, make friends, and become familiar with the base right away. I quickly realized, after spending many moments in overwhelmed tears, that I needed to slow down. I spent a lot of time alone and in prayer, talking to God about my time here and how I can serve him best.

I found a beautiful coffee shop that overlooked the ocean and I planted myself there for some time of peace and prayer and warmth, and it was especially lovely because it was next to the ocean! (the ocean is my happy place)

During the week, I’m working full time at the campus coffee shop. I’m enjoying working there because it has become a nice constant. Although this shop is very different to Bean Around The World back at home, it has similar areas. I do miss the Bean family very much.

On one of my first days of work I was busy and overwhelmed and wasn't entirely sure where I was most helpful. I felt a bit like I was scrambling in a sea of people I didn't know (I promise I'm not trying to be dramatic) I prayed for God to send me a face, just one familiar face was all I wanted. Soon after, Buddy (one of my DTS speakers in Belize) walked in the coffee shop! It was so awesome to see him. We sat and drank coffee and talked about transition into life in Kona and different departments I should look into. It was amazing to see him and have someone understand what I was thinking and feeling in that moment.

At work, I have been able to meet a lot of people and start to build a community. Also, I'm constantly surrounded by staff and students so I have had the amazing opportunity to talk to them about their walk with God/what brought them to Kona/where they are going on outreach. I only have a couple more weeks at the coffee shop then I start the leadership track!

I am excited for the leadership track because it will be a large group of people all doing the same thing I'm doing. Right now I'm a bit of a lost sheep because I'm not involved in any school and I didn't do my DTS here.

Unfortunately, due to a large number of students, staff are asked to find off campus housing. This has been a large area of stress for me because finding housing that is close to base and affordable is very tough. Please continue to pray for housing!

Fun story for the week: The other day my friend and I went to the beach to spend some time off campus. I had had a rough day at work and I wanted to go to the ocean. Because I'm a diver, the ocean is always somewhere where I find peace. I find, when I'm in the ocean I can hear God best. He talks to me about his creation and the strength of the waves. While I was standing, knee deep in the water, I was looking out and feeling bummed that I didn't have snorkel or dive gear. This didn't stop God from showing me his beauty! Within a few seconds of each other, dolphins were jumping and spinning out of the water and a big sea turtle came and swam right beside me. That was all I needed to have my heart jump a bit. God is so cool.

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