The Treasures of June

With the end of June quickly approaching, it means I have already lived here, in Kona, for a month. This month has had its fair share of emotions. The first couple weeks were pretty rough because the transition into a massive base is not an easy one. I wasn't sure where anything was, I didn't know anyone and I had no idea anything about the schedule. When you're thrown into a situation like this you're needing to learn quickly, and quickly is what I did.
I walked around and figured out where everything is, I met a bunch of people and started to make friends. Unfortunately learning a schedule doesn't exist as I knew it in Canada. There is a lot of "you'll find out later" and "we will keep you updated when we know more information". I didn't realize how much of a planner I was until I came here.
During the month of June I worked full time at the Banyan Tree Cafe. This is the coffee shop that is right in the middle of the campus, most refer to it at the "heart" of the campus. This job was something I thought was going to be easy right from the beginning. I had already worked as a barista, at home, and I thought I could just jump right in. I thought wrong. This cafe runs very differently and sells many different drinks. I learned a lot bout myself and humility as I had to start from the bottom and get re trained on every station. Although this job had its hard moments, it gave me a platform to meet so many people and serve the campus, and because of that I am very grateful.
I also received free coffee, for which I am equally grateful.

Although June had its tough moments, it also had its great moments. This month I had the amazing opportunity of renting a car, just for a few short weeks, to explore and help with the transition. A car meant I could drive to the grocery store when I needed food, go to the ocean when I was feeling overwhelmed, and drive my friend to the hospital when she is extremely dehydrated ;) Thank you Lord for this car.

As I mentioned briefly earlier, this month I was able to head to the ocean and snorkel. Sometimes after a busy day at work at the cafe, or after an overwhelming moment I knew the ocean would calm me down. A student, whom I only met for a few short moments, asked me to hold onto her snorkel gear while shes away (she said I could use it too!!) She barely knew me, and she trusted me with her expensive fins...either shes crazy or God knows my heart :)

With June coming to a close, the next chapter is just about to begin. July will start with my birthday and quickly after that I will start the Leadership track. Here we go!