The Kona Adventure Begins!
Today I started my journey as a staff member of YWAM Kona. The adventure itself started at 2 am when I woke up, after 2.5 short hours of sleep to head out to the airport. I had an early morning flight to San Fran, quick layover and then a flight to Kona, Hawaii.
Everything in the morning went smoothly. I got a ride to the airport by my wonderful father, I checked in quickly, got a chai latte and cried a little before I was finally heading off. My flight to San Fran went better then planned because I got special treatment ;) Due to the tardiness of the flight, the pilot asked all the Hawaiian connections to sit at the front of the plane (in the fancy section!) so that we could run to our gate the moment we landed. I'm very grateful for this pilot! We were still in the air by the time my Kona flight started boarding. Luckily, I ran off the flight and directly onto the next one and before I knew it I was in the air on my way to YWAM Kona.
I landed in Kona wearing two sweaters, a vest and sweatpants...this was an instant regret. Once my body had completely melted, I found a group of people that looked like a YWAM team. I mingled with them and scored a ride back to base. There was no complaining about being tired on this bus ride. I had done 7 hours of travelling on 2.5 hours of sleep and this team had just done 90 hours on almost no sleep. I was honestly surprised they were still alive...although they did look like zombies.
I arrived at base at about 1 pm, just in time to miss lunch. This would have been a potential issue except that I have an angel roommate. From the moment I met her she has helped me with everything. From helping make my bed, showing me around, getting signed in and she even made me lunch!! Thank you Jesus for Rinsley.
I spent the afternoon hanging out, putting up pictures and trying to make myself at home in this very foreign place.

Thoughts at the end of Day one:
1. This base is absolutely massive!! If YWAM DP were the size of a football, this base would be an entire football field.
2. Even though this base is gigantic, people can tell I'm new. I've been receiving the stink eye all day today. I'm sure that wears off over time :)Right now, my biggest prayer is for community in Kona.
3. Kona is HOT and HUMID. Don't worry Mum, I'm wearing lots of sunscreen and getting lots of freckles.